Most Common Emoji

These are the 1,000 most common emoji.
  • 31,740 icons
  • 7 different sources
  • 20,209 distinct names
  • 10,930 names appear in only one source.
With this many icons, I strongly recommend using the Search page to find an icon.
Name # of Sources
keycap 9
backhandindexpointingdownskin 5
backhandindexpointingleftskin 5
backhandindexpointingrightskin 5
backhandindexpointingupskin 5
clappinghandsskin 5
crossedfingersskin 5
foldedhandsskin 5
handshakeskin 5
handwithfingerssplayedskin 5
indexpointingupskin 5
leftfacingfistskin 5
loveyougestureskin 5
middlefingerskin 5
okhandskin 5
oncomingfistskin 5
openhandsskin 5
palmsuptogetherskin 5
pinchedfingersskin 5
pinchhandskin 5
raisedbackofhandskin 5
raisedfistskin 5
raisedhandskin 5
raisinghandsskin 5
rightfacingfistskin 5
signofthehornsskin 5
thumbsdownskin 5
thumbsupskin 5
victoryhandskin 5
vulcansaluteskin 5
wavinghandskin 5
writinghandskin 5
baby 4
backhandindexpointingdown 4
backhandindexpointingleft 4
backhandindexpointingright 4
backhandindexpointingup 4
callmehand 4
callmehandskin 4
clappinghands 4
crossedfingers 4
foldedhands 4
handwithfingerssplayed 4
indexpointingup 4
leftfacingfist 4
loveyougesture 4
middlefinger 4
okhand 4
oncomingfist 4
openhands 4
palmsuptogether 4
pinchedfingers 4
raisedbackofhand 4
raisedfist 4
raisedhand 4
raisinghands 4
rightfacingfist 4
santaclaus 4
signofthehorns 4
thumbsdown 4
thumbsup 4
victoryhand 4
vulcansalute 4
wavinghand 4
writinghand 4
1f004 3
1f0cf 3
1f170 3
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1f17e 3
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1f18e 3
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1f1e81f1f3 3
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1f1e91f1ea 3
1f1ea 3
1f1ea1f1f8 3
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1f1eb1f1f7 3
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1f1ec1f1e7 3
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1f1ee1f1f9 3
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1f1ef1f1f5 3
1f1f0 3
1f1f01f1f7 3
1f1f1 3
1f1f2 3
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1f1f4 3
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1f1f6 3
1f1f7 3
1f1f71f1fa 3
1f1f8 3
1f1f9 3
1f1fa 3
1f1fa1f1f8 3
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1f1ff 3
1f201 3
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1f21a 3
1f22f 3
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1f3a0 3
1f3a1 3
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1f3aa 3
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1f3ad 3
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1f3b0 3
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203c 3
2049 3
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27bf 3
2934 3
2935 3
2b05 3
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2b07 3
2b1b 3
2b1c 3
2b50 3
2b55 3
3030 3
303d 3
3297 3
3299 3
artist 3
artistcolormedium 3
artistflat 3
artistflatmedium 3
astronaut 3
astronautcolormedium 3
astronautflat 3
astronautflatmedium 3
babyangel 3
babyangelcolormedium 3
babyangelflat 3
babyangelflatmedium 3
babycolormedium 3
babyflat 3
babyflatmedium 3
backhandindexpointingdowncolormedium 3
backhandindexpointingdownflat 3
backhandindexpointingdownflatmedium 3
backhandindexpointingleftcolormedium 3
backhandindexpointingleftflat 3
backhandindexpointingleftflatmedium 3
backhandindexpointingrightcolormedium 3
backhandindexpointingrightflat 3
backhandindexpointingrightflatmedium 3
backhandindexpointingupcolormedium 3
backhandindexpointingupflat 3
backhandindexpointingupflatmedium 3
boy 3
boycolormedium 3
boyflat 3
boyflatmedium 3
breastfeeding 3
breastfeedingcolormedium 3
breastfeedingflat 3
breastfeedingflatmedium 3
callmehandcolormedium 3
callmehandflat 3
callmehandflatmedium 3
child 3
childcolormedium 3
childflat 3
childflatmedium 3
clappinghandscolormedium 3
clappinghandsflat 3
clappinghandsflatmedium 3
constructionworker 3
constructionworkercolormedium 3
constructionworkerflat 3
constructionworkerflatmedium 3
cook 3
cookcolormedium 3
cookflat 3
cookflatmedium 3
crossedfingerscolormedium 3
crossedfingersflat 3
crossedfingersflatmedium 3
detective 3
detectivecolormedium 3
detectiveflat 3
detectiveflatmedium 3
ear 3
earcolormedium 3
earflat 3
earflatmedium 3
earwithhearingaid 3
earwithhearingaidcolormedium 3
earwithhearingaidflat 3
earwithhearingaidflatmedium 3
factoryworker 3
factoryworkercolormedium 3
factoryworkerflat 3
factoryworkerflatmedium 3
farmer 3
farmercolormedium 3
farmerflat 3